Statistics Snapshots Report
Georgia Northwestern Technical College ANGEL (angn)
- 09/2015
- login
- links
- Academic Search Complete (zbac)
- 19
- ArticleFirst (zosr)
- 1
- Arts of the United States (arts)
- 1
- Bibliography of the History of Art | International Bibliography of Art (gett)
- 1
- Credo Reference (crdo)
- 9
- ebrary Academic Complete (ebpr)
- 1
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 25
- EBSCO Discovery Service (Library View) (zbds:gpls)
- 3
- EBSCO Discovery Service (Scholar View) (zbds:tcsg)
- 450
- EBSCO Discovery Service (Scholar View) (zbds:usg_locgil)
- 1
- Family Health (zufh)
- 1
- Health and Medical Complete (zuhm)
- 3
- Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition (zbhn)
- 2
- History Reference Center (zbhr)
- 5
- History Reference Center (zbht)
- 8
- LexisNexis Academic (zxau)
- 3
- Literary Reference Center (zblr)
- 1
- Oxford Art Online (zvda)
- 1
- ProQuest Databases (zupd)
- 4
- ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source (zunu)
- 3
- Religion (zure)
- 2
- Research Library (zurl)
- 3
- Totals
- 507
- 547