Statistics Snapshots Report
West Georgia Technical College ANGEL (anwg)
- 02/2015
- login
- links
- Academic Search Complete (zbac)
- 80
- Advanced Placement Source (zbad)
- 1
- Ancestry Library Edition (zual)
- 1
- Atlanta Journal Constitution (zajc)
- 2
- Bepress Digital Commons (bpoa)
- 1
- Biographies (zebo:biographies)
- 3
- Business Source Complete (zbbc)
- 3
- Consumer Health Complete (zbch)
- 1
- eBooks on EBSCOhost (zmnl)
- 6
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 5
- EBSCO Discovery Service (High School) (zbds:pubk12)
- 2
- EBSCO Discovery Service (Library View) (zbds:gpls)
- 2
- EBSCO Discovery Service (Scholar View) (zbds:tcsg)
- 735
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online (zebo)
- 2
- Gateway to the Classics by Author (zebo:gateway_classics_author)
- 4
- Gateway to the Classics by Title (zebo:gateway_classics_title)
- 1
- Georgia Government Publications (ggpd)
- 1
- History Reference Center (zbht)
- 3
- Legal Collection (zble)
- 2
- Literary Reference Center (zblr)
- 3
- Literature Resource Center (zlrc)
- 3
- MasterFILE Elite (zbel)
- 1
- New York Times Archive (znta)
- 1
- Professional Development Collection (zbpd)
- 1
- ProQuest Databases (zupd)
- 11
- ProQuest Learning: Literature (zull)
- 3
- ProQuest Newspapers (zupn)
- 5
- Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (zbpb)
- 51
- Research Library (zurl)
- 8
- Social Science Journals (zuss)
- 1
- Totals
- 818
- 943