Statistics Snapshots Report
Albany Technical College ANGEL (anbt)
- 09/2013
- login
- links
- Academic Search Complete (zbac)
- 2
- Biographies (zebo:biographies)
- 2
- Digital Library of Georgia (dlg1)
- 1
- Digital Public Library of America (dpla)
- 1
- EBSCO Discovery Service (Library View) (zbds:gpls)
- 1
- EBSCO Discovery Service (Scholar View) (zbds:tcsg)
- 100
- Google News: World (zgwo)
- 1
- Pharmaceutical News Index (zuph)
- 1
- ProQuest Databases (zupd)
- 27
- ProQuest Newspapers (zupn)
- 1
- Religion (zure)
- 1
- Research Library (zurl)
- 1
- Social Science Journals (zuss)
- 1
- Totals
- 134
- 140