Statistics Snapshots Report
Atlanta Technical College ANGEL (anlt)
- 08/2012
- login
- links
- Academic Search Complete (zbac)
- 1
- Consumer Health Complete (zbch)
- 1
- Ebooks Index (zobo)
- 4
- eBooks on EBSCOhost (zmnl)
- 3
- Georgia Library Catalogs (glib)
- 2
- Historic Architecture and Landscapes of Georgia: The Hubert Bond Owens and John Linley Image Collections at the Owens Library (larc)
- 1
- Legal Collection (zble)
- 2
- MedlinePlus (imei)
- 1
- ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source (zunu)
- 4
- Regional Business News (zbrn)
- 1
- Wall Street Journal (wasj)
- 2
- Totals
- 65
- 22