Statistics Snapshots Report
Augusta Technical College ANGEL (anau)
- 04/2012
- login
- links
- ABI/INFORM Complete (zuca)
- 2
- Academic Search Complete (zbac)
- 23
- Accounting and Tax Database (zutx)
- 1
- ArticleFirst (zosr)
- 1
- Business Source Complete (zbsx)
- 2
- Ebooks Index (zobo)
- 1
- Gateway to the Classics by Title (zebo:gateway_classics_title)
- 3
- Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition (zbhn)
- 2
- Literary Reference Center (zblr)
- 1
- Los Angeles Times (zupn:los_angeles_times)
- 1
- MEDLINE (zbme)
- 3
- MEDLINE (zomd)
- 1
- National Science Digital Library (nsdl)
- 3
- New York Times (zupn:new_york_times)
- 2
- New York Times Archive (znta)
- 1
- Newspaper Source (zbns)
- 1
- NoveList (zknl)
- 1
- ProQuest Newspapers (zupn)
- 2
- Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (zbpb)
- 3
- Research Library (zurl)
- 12
- Salem Health (salh)
- 1
- Social Science Journals (zuss)
- 1
- Telecommunications (zute)
- 1
- TOXNET (toxn)
- 1
- (zfgo)
- 1
- WorldCat (zowc)
- 1
- Totals
- 92
- 72