Statistics Snapshots Report
GVTC Angel (gvtc)
- 01/2011
- login
- links
- The 1936 Gainesville Tornado: Disaster and Recovery (torn)
- 1
- ABI/INFORM Complete (zuca)
- 24
- ABI/INFORM Dateline (zuad)
- 4
- Academic Search Complete (zbac)
- 295
- Accounting and Tax Database (zutx)
- 10
- Advanced Placement Source (zbad)
- 6
- AGRICOLA (zbag)
- 4
- Alt HealthWatch (zbah)
- 6
- Ancestry Library Edition (zual)
- 10
- Annual Reports of the Mayor of Savannah, Georgia, 1855-1917 (zmos)
- 1
- Archive Finder (zhau)
- 5
- ArticleFirst (zosr)
- 6
- Arts of the United States (arts)
- 5
- Asian Business and Reference (zuas)
- 3
- Atlanta Historic Newspapers Archive (atln)
- 4
- The Atlanta Journal Constitution (zuaj)
- 16
- Atlanta Journal Constitution (zajc)
- 9
- Automobile Repair Reference Center (zbau)
- 25
- Bibliography of the History of Art | International Bibliography of Art (gett)
- 5
- Book Collection: Nonfiction (zbnf)
- 15
- Business Source Complete (zbbc)
- 12
- Business Source Complete (zbsx)
- 9
- Campus Research (wlcr)
- 71
- Career & Technical Education (zuct)
- 5
- Career Resources Education Network (cren)
- 1
- Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (zdgc)
- 1
- Catalogue of the trustees, officers, alumni and matriculates of the University of Georgia at Athens, Georgia, 1785-1906 from the Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library (gact)
- 1
- CDC (cdc1)
- 4
- Census Data (zlca)
- 3
- Civil Rights Digital Library (crdl)
- 1
- Columbus Enquirer Archive (cole)
- 1
- Computer Science Index (zbco)
- 2
- Computer Source (zbcc)
- 4
- Computing (zuco)
- 3
- Consumer Health Complete (zbch)
- 4
- (cnsm)
- 2
- Cyrus F. Jenkins Civil War Diary, 1861-1862 (jenk)
- 1
- Digital Library of Georgia (dlg1)
- 6
- E-Books Index (zobo)
- 56
- eBooks on EBSCOhost (zmnl)
- 37
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 40
- EBSCOhost Mobile Academic (zbda)
- 1
- EBSCOhost Mobile High School (zbdc)
- 1
- EBSCOhost Mobile Public Library (zbdf)
- 2
- Economía y Negocios (zben)
- 1
- Education Journals (zued)
- 13
- Electronic Theses and Dissertations (zzge)
- 1
- Environment Complete (zbev)
- 1
- ERIC (at EBSCOhost) (zber)
- 8
- ERIC (at (zeri)
- 4
- European Business (zueu)
- 1
- For Our Mutual Benefit: The Athens Woman's Club and Social Reform, 1899-1920 (awcm)
- 1
- Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (zbfw)
- 1
- GAcollege411 (zgac)
- 2
- Garden, Landscape & Horticulture Index (zbga)
- 3
- Georgia Aerial Photographs (gaph)
- 2
- Georgia Census Data (zlcb)
- 1
- Georgia Code (zncd)
- 10
- Georgia Department of Archives & History (znah)
- 1
- Georgia Historic Books (zlgb)
- 2
- Georgia Historic Newspapers (zlgn)
- 1
- Georgia Libraries Journal List (GOLD) (gejl)
- 1
- Georgia Library Catalogs (glib)
- 14
- Georgia Library PINES (zpin)
- 4
- Georgia Newspaper Directory (ganp)
- 1
- Georgia State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations (setd)
- 4
- Georgia Stories (zpgs)
- 1
- (zngn)
- 2
- GeorgiaInfo (gnfo)
- 1
- GIL Universal Catalog (zgil)
- 2
- Google (zgoo)
- 1
- Google (Versión en Español) (igsp)
- 1
- Google Scholar (zgos)
- 7
- GreenFILE (zbgf)
- 1
- H1N1 Pandemic Flu Information (h1n1)
- 7
- Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition (zbhn)
- 18
- Historical Broadsides (gahb)
- 1
- History Reference Center (zbhr)
- 22
- Hoover's Company Capsules & Profiles (zuho)
- 11
- Hospitality & Tourism Complete (zbho)
- 2
- Images (zbim)
- 1
- Information Science & Technology Abstracts (zbis)
- 3
- ¡Informe! (zgin)
- 2
- Insurance Periodicals Index (zbin)
- 1
- International Bibliography of Theater & Dance with Full Text (zbth)
- 2
- International Newspapers (zupn:international_newspapers)
- 6
- Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts (zbww)
- 1
- Kids Search (zbks)
- 5
- (zkgo)
- 8
- Legal Collection (zble)
- 14
- Literary Reference Center (zblr)
- 13
- Literature Online Reference Edition (zhlr)
- 15
- Los Angeles Times (zupn:los_angeles_times)
- 3
- MAS Ultra (zbma)
- 1
- The Math Forum: Student Center (mfsc)
- 8
- Math: The Math Forum: Teacher's Place (mfte)
- 1
- Math: Wolfram Functions Site (wmfs)
- 1
- MEDLINE (zbme)
- 13
- MEDLINE (zomd)
- 2
- MedlinePlus (imei)
- 6
- The Merck Manual (imer)
- 5
- Military Journals (zumi)
- 2
- National Science Digital Library (nsdl)
- 6
- National Science Digital Library: Resources for K-12 Teachers (nstr)
- 1
- New Georgia Encyclopedia (ngen)
- 4
- New York Times (zupn:new_york_times)
- 7
- New York Times Archive (znta)
- 2
- New York Times Online (znyt)
- 7
- Newspaper Source (zbns)
- 25
- NLM Gateway (znlm)
- 1
- Oxford Art Online (zvda)
- 3
- Pharmaceutical News Index (zuph)
- 4
- Primary Search (zbps)
- 1
- ProceedingsFirst (zop1)
- 1
- Professional Development Collection (zbpd)
- 4
- ProQuest Databases (zupd)
- 138
- ProQuest Newspapers (zupn)
- 57
- ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source (zunu)
- 18
- Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (zbpb)
- 57
- Regional Business News (zbrn)
- 1
- Religion (zure)
- 9
- Religion & Philosophy Collection (zbrp)
- 1
- Research Library (zurl)
- 67
- Salem Literature (sall)
- 1
- Sanborn® Fire Insurance Maps for Georgia Towns and Cities, 1884-1922 (sanb)
- 1
- Science and Technology Collection (zbsi)
- 3
- Searchasaurus: Primary/Elementary School Search (zpps)
- 1
- Social Science Information Gateway (isoj)
- 1
- Social Science Journals (zuss)
- 7
- Sociological Collection (zbsc)
- 5
- Southeastern Newspapers (zupn:southeastern_newspapers)
- 2
- Statistics: CAUSEWeb (cawe)
- 2
- Student Research Center (zbst)
- 5
- Telecommunications (zute)
- 1
- TOPICsearch (zbts)
- 1
- (zfgo)
- 1
- Wall Street Journal (wasj)
- 4
- Wall Street Journal (zupn:wall_street_journal)
- 4
- Westlaw Campus Research (crwl)
- 9
- World Almanacs (zowa)
- 2
- World History Collection (zbwh)
- 8
- WorldCat (zowc)
- 2
- WorldCat Dissertations and Theses (zodt)
- 2
- Totals
- 5,123
- 1,465