Statistics Snapshots Report
Georgia College and State University-USS Carl Vinson Project (geo3)
- 01/2009
- login
- links
- ABI/INFORM Dateline (zuad)
- 1
- Academic Search Complete (zbac)
- 1
- Ancestry Library Edition (zual)
- 1
- Britannica Elementary (zebk)
- 1
- eBooks on EBSCOhost (zmnl)
- 6
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 4
- ERIC (at EBSCOhost) (zber)
- 1
- ERIC (at (zeri)
- 1
- Georgia State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations (setd)
- 1
- Georgia Tech Theses and Dissertations (gttd)
- 1
- Google (zgoo)
- 1
- Google Scholar (zgos)
- 1
- Kids Search (zbks)
- 3
- Legal Collection (zble)
- 2
- National Science Digital Library (nsdl)
- 1
- PapersFirst (zopi)
- 3
- ProQuest Databases (zupd)
- 25
- ProQuest Newspapers (zupn)
- 1
- World Almanacs (zowa)
- 1
- Totals
- 107
- 56