Statistics Snapshots Report
Guest (publ)
- 08/2002
- login
- links
- Academia and Libraries (ziac)
- 176
- Area Studies & Ethnic Studies (ziae)
- 46
- Arts & Humanities (ziar)
- 233
- Baldy Editorial Cartoons: The Clifford H. Baldowski Collection (bald)
- 312
- Bizlink (ibzi)
- 164
- Business & Economics (zibu)
- 237
- Career & Job Information (zica)
- 39
- Census Data (zlca)
- 81
- Civil Unrest in Camilla, Georgia, 1868 Collection (zlcu)
- 27
- Consumer Resources (zico)
- 54
- The Cornelius C. Platter Civil War Diary, 1864 - 1865 (zlpd)
- 15
- County and City Data Book: 1988, 1994 (zlcn)
- 1
- Data Maps, Other States (zlcc)
- 2
- Demographics & Census Information (zide)
- 27
- Digital Library of Georgia (dlg1)
- 3,175
- Education (zied)
- 79
- Electronic Journals & Texts (ziel)
- 283
- Electronic Theses and Dissertations (zzge)
- 71
- ERIC (zmer)
- 365
- General & Reference Sources (zige)
- 97
- Georgia - Attorney General's Office (znag)
- 7
- Georgia Administrative Rules and Regulations (znar)
- 12
- Georgia Census Data (zlcb)
- 24
- Georgia Code (zncd)
- 96
- Georgia Corporate Search (zncs)
- 45
- Georgia Department of Archives & History (znah)
- 47
- Georgia Department of Education (gded)
- 68
- Georgia General Assembly (znls)
- 13
- Georgia Government Publications (ggpd)
- 224
- Georgia Historic Books (zlgb)
- 147
- Georgia Historic Newspapers (zlgn)
- 291
- Georgia Legislative Documents (zlgl)
- 136
- Georgia Libraries Journal List (GOLD) (gejl)
- 89
- Georgia Library Catalogs (glib)
- 91
- Georgia Public Library Services (gpls)
- 38
- Georgia State Agencies, Councils and Commissions (znsa)
- 11
- (zngn)
- 33
- Google (Versión en Español) (igsp)
- 18
- Government & Politics (zigo)
- 19
- History of the University of Georgia by Thomas Walter Reed (huga)
- 8
- Internet Resources (zire)
- 1,779
- The Jimmy Carter Presidential Daily Diary Online (jcdd)
- 8
- Joseph Henry Lumpkin Family Papers (lump)
- 21
- Kidon Media-Link (imun)
- 113
- KidsClick! Web Search for Kids by Librarians (ikie)
- 46
- Librarians' Index to the Internet (ilet)
- 77
- (imbp)
- 130
- The Merck Manual (imer)
- 120
- Native American Documents (zzna)
- 47
- News, Media, & Publishing (zine)
- 120
- Population Estimates by Age, Sex, and Race: 1990-1997 (zlcg)
- 1
- Robert E. Williams Photographic Collection: African-Americans in the Augusta, Ga. Vicinity (Richmond Co.), circa 1872-1898 (zlrw)
- 12
- Robert Toombs, Letters to Julia Ann DuBose Toombs, 1850-1867 (zlrt)
- 8
- School District Data Book Profiles: 1989-1990 (zlcm)
- 2
- Science and Technology (isat)
- 291
- Sciences & Medicine (zisc)
- 278
- Social Indicators of Development (isod)
- 1
- Social Science Information Gateway (isoj)
- 212
- Social Sciences (ziso)
- 89
- Southeastern Native American Documents, 1730-1842 (zlna)
- 209
- Student Resources, K-12 (zist)
- 78
- Technical College System of Georgia (gdte)
- 25
- Technology (zite)
- 16
- Teen Hoopla, an Internet Guide for Teens (iteg)
- 20
- UGA SACS Compliance Documents (sacs)
- 13
- University of Georgia Electronic Theses and Dissertations (getd)
- 64
- University System of Georgia (gusg)
- 57
- The Voice of the Shuttle (ivoj)
- 62
- Weather & Climate (ziwe)
- 38
- Totals
- 65,803
- 10,838