Statistics Snapshots Report
Twin Lakes Library System (lake)
- 07/2002
- login
- links
- Academic Search Premier (zbap)
- 10
- Alt HealthWatch (zbah)
- 1
- AncestryPlus (zgap)
- 11
- Biology Digest (zobd)
- 1
- Census Data (zlca)
- 2
- Digital Library of Georgia (dlg1)
- 2
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 6
- ERIC (zmer)
- 2
- ERIC (at EBSCOhost) (zber)
- 1
- Georgia Government Publications (ggpd)
- 2
- Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition (zbhn)
- 1
- Humanities Index (zowh)
- 2
- Professional Development Collection (zbpd)
- 2
- PsycFIRST (a subset of PsycINFO) (zopf)
- 2
- Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (zbpb)
- 2
- Research Library (zurl)
- 6
- SIRS Issues Researcher (zsks)
- 1
- Sociological Collection (zbsc)
- 1
- WorldCat (zowc)
- 17
- Totals
- 53
- 72