Statistics Snapshots Report
Bartow County Library System (car1)
- 11/2001
- login
- links
- ABI/INFORM Complete (zuca)
- 1
- Academic Search Premier (zbap)
- 3
- AccessScience@McGraw-Hill (zmas)
- 4
- Biography Index (zowb)
- 1
- Career & Job Information (zica)
- 1
- Clinical Reference Systems (zbcr)
- 2
- Digital Library of Georgia (dlg1)
- 1
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 3
- EconLit (zoen)
- 2
- Education Index (zoed)
- 1
- General Science Index (zogs)
- 2
- Georgia Department of Archives & History (znah)
- 1
- Georgia Government Publications (ggpd)
- 1
- ¡Informe! (zgin)
- 2
- MAS Ultra (zbma)
- 2
- MEDLINE (zbme)
- 1
- MEDLINE (zomd)
- 2
- NoveList (zknl)
- 1
- Periodical Abstracts Research II (zupt)
- 5
- ProQuest Databases (zupd)
- 10
- PsycFIRST (a subset of PsycINFO) (zopf)
- 1
- Research Library (zurl)
- 3
- Wilson Select Plus (zowp)
- 1
- WorldCat (zowc)
- 30
- Totals
- 72
- 81