Statistics Snapshots Report
Georgia Public Library Service (pub1)
- 08/2001
- login
- links
- Books in Print (zwbp)
- 9
- Business Wire News (zbbw)
- 1
- CollegeSource Online (zfcs)
- 1
- Digital Library of Georgia (dlg1)
- 3
- Dissertation Abstracts (zudi)
- 1
- eBooks on EBSCOhost (zmnl)
- 3
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 5
- Library Literature (zoll)
- 1
- OCLC Union List of Periodicals (zoul)
- 2
- ProQuest Databases (zupd)
- 1
- Searchasaurus: Primary/Elementary School Search (zpps)
- 2
- SIRS Issues Researcher (zsks)
- 2
- Student Resources, K-12 (zist)
- 2
- WorldCat (zowc)
- 4
- Totals
- 34
- 37