Statistics Snapshots Report
Seminole County Schools (ssem)
- 11/2000
- login
- links
- Academia and Libraries (ziac)
- 4
- Academic Search Elite (zbas)
- 9
- AIDS and Cancer Research (zoar)
- 1
- Biography Index (zowb)
- 1
- CollegeSource Online (zfcs)
- 2
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 1
- Education (zied)
- 2
- Electronic Journals & Texts (ziel)
- 2
- Encyclopedia of Animals (zpea)
- 2
- ERIC (zmer)
- 4
- FactSearch (zomt)
- 1
- Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (zbfw)
- 5
- General & Reference Sources (zige)
- 2
- General Science Index (zogs)
- 1
- GEOBASE (zogb)
- 1
- Georgia Department of Archives & History (znah)
- 1
- MasterFILE Premier (zbmp)
- 1
- MEDLINE (zomd)
- 1
- National Newspapers (zunp)
- 1
- Oxford Art Online (zvda)
- 2
- Periodical Abstracts Research II (zupa)
- 1
- Readers' Guide Abstracts (zowr)
- 2
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (zorl)
- 1
- Searchasaurus: Middle Search Plus (zpms)
- 1
- Searchasaurus: Primary/Elementary School Search (zpps)
- 6
- Student Resources, K-12 (zist)
- 1
- World Almanacs (zowa)
- 1
- Totals
- 73
- 57