Statistics Snapshots Report
Atkinson County Schools (satk)
- 10/2000
- login
- links
- Academic Search Elite (zbas)
- 8
- Arts & Humanities (ziar)
- 1
- ERIC (zmer)
- 1
- Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (zbfw)
- 1
- General & Reference Sources (zige)
- 2
- Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (zowi)
- 2
- Library Literature (zoll)
- 2
- MasterFILE Premier (zbmp)
- 1
- MEDLINE (zomd)
- 1
- Periodical Abstracts Research II (zupa)
- 2
- Student Resources, K-12 (zist)
- 1
- WorldCat (zowc)
- 1
- Totals
- 14
- 23