08/2000 | login | links |
Academia and Libraries (ziac) | | 3 |
Academic Search Elite (zbas) | | 50 |
Acxiom Directories - Home (zout) | | 2 |
AIDS and Cancer Research (zoar) | | 4 |
Applied Science and Technology Index (zoab) | | 2 |
Art Index (zoat) | | 1 |
Arts and Humanities Search (zoah) | | 1 |
Biography Index (zowb) | | 4 |
Biology Digest (zobd) | | 1 |
Books in Print (zobp) | | 1 |
Career & Job Information (zica) | | 4 |
CINAHL: Nursing and Allied Health (zocn) | | 2 |
CollegeSource Online (zfcs) | | 10 |
DataTimes (zoda) | | 2 |
EBSCO Databases (zbeh) | | 28 |
Education (zied) | | 9 |
Education Index (zoed) | | 4 |
Electronic Journals & Texts (ziel) | | 6 |
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (at Britannica.com) (zebf) | | 7 |
Encyclopedia of Animals (zpea) | | 16 |
Environment (zoes) | | 1 |
ERIC (zmer) | | 18 |
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (zbfw) | | 4 |
General & Reference Sources (zige) | | 1 |
General Science Index (zogs) | | 1 |
GEOBASE (zogb) | | 2 |
Georgia Administrative Rules and Regulations (znar) | | 1 |
Georgia Department of Archives & History (znah) | | 1 |
Georgia Historic Newspapers (zlgn) | | 4 |
georgia.gov (zngn) | | 3 |
Health Source Plus (zbhs) | | 2 |
Library Literature (zoll) | | 2 |
MAS Ultra (zbma) | | 29 |
MasterFILE Premier (zbmp) | | 4 |
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (at Britannica.com) (zedf) | | 6 |
National Newspapers (zunp) | | 2 |
OCLC Union List of Periodicals (zoul) | | 1 |
Periodical Abstracts Research II (zupa) | | 7 |
ProQuest Databases (zupd) | | 2 |
Sciences & Medicine (zisc) | | 1 |
Searchasaurus: Middle Search Plus (zpms) | | 8 |
Searchasaurus: Primary/Elementary School Search (zpps) | | 28 |
SIRS Researcher (zosi) | | 2 |
Student Resources, K-12 (zist) | | 55 |
Technology (zite) | | 5 |
Weather & Climate (ziwe) | | 3 |
Totals | 326 | 350 |