Statistics Snapshots Report
Dade County Schools (adad)
- 08/2000
- login
- links
- ABI/INFORM Global (zuab)
- 1
- Academic Search Elite (zbas)
- 7
- Applied Science and Technology Index (zoab)
- 1
- Arts and Humanities Search (zoah)
- 2
- Biography Index (zowb)
- 1
- Consumer Resources (zico)
- 1
- DataTimes (zoda)
- 1
- EBSCO Databases (zbeh)
- 99
- Education (zied)
- 2
- Electronic Journals & Texts (ziel)
- 2
- Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (at (zebf)
- 16
- Encyclopedia of Animals (zpea)
- 20
- Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (zbfw)
- 3
- General & Reference Sources (zige)
- 1
- Georgia Historic Newspapers (zlgn)
- 1
- Health Source Plus (zbhs)
- 3
- Library Literature (zoll)
- 2
- MAS Ultra (zbma)
- 7
- MasterFILE Premier (zbmp)
- 1
- National Newspapers (zunp)
- 1
- NETFirst (zont)
- 1
- News, Media, & Publishing (zine)
- 1
- ProQuest Databases (zupd)
- 3
- Sciences & Medicine (zisc)
- 1
- Searchasaurus: Middle Search Plus (zpms)
- 1
- Searchasaurus: Primary/Elementary School Search (zpps)
- 10
- SIRS Researcher (zosi)
- 3
- Student Resources, K-12 (zist)
- 1
- World Almanacs (zowa)
- 1
- Totals
- 207
- 194